Podcasters Share Their New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year PM Family,

2021 couldn't arrive fast enough for some of us! Every year generates new opportunities to set objectives and create plans to implement and achieve our goals. 

This week we will share what some Podcast Movement community members are preparing to execute in the new year. Finally, just in case you thought we had forgotten about PM University, we have not… in fact, its relaunch is our top goal for the new year! The relaunch is in two weeks, and you will want to be involved. Please read on.

New Years Resolutions

What is your goal for your podcast in 2021? We welcome you to share with us

Here are some goals from fellow PM family members, as well as some possible solutions.

“More Sponsorship” – Kathleen Burns Kingsbury from Breaking Money Silence.

A few ways to monetize in 2021: 

“I'd love to grow our listener base and upgrade our production.” – Kate Robinson from Weird Flex…But Okay.

Here are some helpful insights regarding podcast audience growth:

“Improve my interviewing skills and incorporate a pre-interview call with my interview centered episodes.” – Carlos Alvarez from Wizards of Amazon

“Just to keep going and put out 25 new episodes this year.” – Ruby Pommer from Living Through Extinction.

“Get some reviews in. I only have 1 so far.” – Catarina Page from Wake Up and Unfold

“Start.”  – Marlene Jenkins Cooper

We could cover many more goals but wanted to highlight a few to inspire you to share your own and start the new year off right. 

Regardless of where you're at in your journey, we have some great AMA and live training events coming with the Podcast Movement University relaunch (wait for it… please read on). We encourage you to bring your questions to the University when it launches again on January 20!

The PM University Re-Launch

The rumors are true. Podcast Movement University closed for maintenance last month and is opening back up on Wednesday, January 20th. The University is relaunching with the following:

  • Amazing live networking opportunities (monthly meetups, Q&A's, office hours, etc.)
  • Live expert discussions/panels.
  • Podcaster speed-dating events (not actual dating, but stranger things have happened)
  • Community game days (and nights)!
  • Quarterly SHIFT events – One-day virtual conferences events on specific topics
  • New podcast training (Examples: Your Best Podcast Year Ever – Growing Your Podcast is available later this month. We will also have a new course on live-streaming your podcast available in February!).
  • mountainous library of content and presentations from 7 years worth of previous Podcast Movement events.

Did we mention that the University doesn't require you to be on Facebook or other social media channels? Why? We use Mighty Networks, which is great on the desktop or from your favorite mobile device through their mobile app! 

Everything goes live on January 20, but we encourage you to go here today to get on the waiting list, plus to get an extended free trial at launch! 

How are your new year's resolutions so far? Don't eat that donut, unless you are allowed to, of course. 

We love 2021 already,
Team PM 

The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials. -Chinese proverb

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