Third-Party Uploads Are Coming to Apple Podcasts


PodMov Daily: Tuesday, May 17

Episode 646: Testing, One Two-sday

Third-Party Uploads Are Coming to Apple Podcasts

This fall, Apple Podcasts will allow third-party hosting companies to upload shows directly onto the platform. Delegated Delivery allows creators to bypass the Apple Podcasts Connect dashboard, instead authorizing their host to submit content on their behalf. The new system will be free for all users.

The idea is to cut down on podcasters’ upload tasks, and therefore use Apple’s subscription program. Hosting companies will be able to schedule and release regular, early-access, and ad-free content. Initial companies on board are Acast, ART19, Blubrry, Buzzsprout, Libsyn, Omny Studio and

While only Apple Podcasters Program members can use Delegated Delivery for paid content, those without memberships can use it to upload free content. Educational resources for creators will come out closer to launch. For now, Apple tells podcasters to stay tuned and check back for updates.

Other Changes for Creators and Listeners

Another iOS 15.5 update will be a relief to Apple Podcasts users frustrated by recent bugs. Automatic downloads can gobble up storage, especially on older iPhones. New settings allow users to change how many episodes can be downloaded and saved, or even turn off auto-downloads completely.

“This feature actually works as a bulk clean-up tool for removing a large number of downloads from the device storage. Before, this was a tedious, manual process that could be tackled in different ways,” explains Sarah Perez of TechCrunch. Additionally, creators can now offer annual paid subscription plans.

Focusrite: Outstanding Audio Gear for Every Podcaster

Great audio doesn’t just polish your podcast. It defines your voice. Focusrite specializes in best-in-class equipment for every podcaster. Known for the world-leading Scarlett range of USB interfaces, Focusrite empowers creators from professional studios to closet recording booths.

Scarlett fan Pat Flynn says it best: “The things it lets you control are the things that are important to me as a podcaster: sound quality, volume control, portability, and reliability.” Focusrite interfaces are affordable, easy to use, and offer a wide range of input/output options to fit the way you work.

Not every podcaster is an audio engineer. With Focusrite, intuitive features and award-winning support let you concentrate on your passion. Ready to share your true voice with the world? Learn more and stay tuned – the next big thing in podcasting is coming this summer.

In order to grow your audience, you must betray their expectations.

Here's what else is going on:

  • Sonic youth: NPR has announced the winners of the 2022 Student Podcast Challenge. In their own ways, the middle school team from Texas and high school creator from Maryland both examine teenage life shaped by social media. There were over 2,000 submissions from around the US.
  • Curtain call: “The Art of the Scene” from Radio Boot Camp is this Thursday at noon ET. Acclaimed instructor Rob Rosenthal (HowSound) will lead a three-hour workshop on how scenes are used in podcast stories, what makes them valuable, how to record them, and more. $100 registration.
  • Inside out: “Dynamic Ad Insertion Isn’t Just About Ads” is coming up this Monday, May 23. Podcode founder and podcast coach Mark Steadman will break down the jargon around DAI and explain how to get started, “even – or especially – if your podcast isn’t ad-funded.” Free registration.
  • Country roads: After two decades of leadership at Hot Docs, including its podcast festival, Alan Black will be joining Canadaland as COO. At the Canadian podcast company and news network, he’ll lead growth strategy as they expand subscriptions and develop projects for film and TV.

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