Feed Reader: Slate Debuts Audiobooks Through RSS


PodMov Daily: Thursday, May 13

Episode 428: Your Thursday Podthoughts

Feed Reader: Slate Debuts Audiobooks Through RSS

Slate’s entrance into the audiobooks business is based around RSS, immediately setting it apart from competitors. Neither Audible nor Spotify support private feeds, and audiobooks aren’t available à la carte. Ashley Carman of The Verge reports that the audiobook store has launched through Supporting Cast.

“On the back end, Slate is hosting publishers’ audiobooks on its servers and creating private RSS feeds for them, which can then be inserted into any podcasting app that supports them, like Apple Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and Overcast,” Carman explains. This offers convenience and flexibility without tying listeners down.

RSS was a simple choice, said Supporting Cast CEO David Stern: “It’s sort of a no-brainer.” Four out of five major American book publishers are on board: Penguin-Random House, Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins, and Hachette. The fifth, Macmillan, has run a podcast network with Mignon Fogarty of Grammar Girl since 2007.

Recommended Reading: Advice for Podcast Guests

In April we suggested podcasters read ‘guest guides,’ like this one by Alex Greenwood (Mysterious Goings On, PR After Hours). Advice for the other side of the mic can inform practices that make you a better host. Greenwood and marketer Marguerite Faure have sharp and versatile tips this week.

“When they get your pitch, are you telling them you offer something unique?” Greenwood asks. “Did you write a book, article, or paper that shares information the show’s audience would find interesting?” His article is full of qualifications and communication skills that an ideal guest brings to the table.

Faure describes in detail how Atomic Habits author James Clear persuaded her, a listener, to buy his book during a guest appearance. Your marketing message will hit just right “if you are an extension of your content, precise with your words, and what you have to say is worth writing down.”

Success Starts Here: The Table with Anthony ONeal

When it comes to financial and personal success, our mindset is our most valuable asset. Each week on The Table with Anthony ONeal, money expert and #1 national bestselling author Anthony ONeal delivers practical advice to help you become successful.

Anthony’s approach is real, relevant and relatable, giving listeners new insights on the topics that matter most. He puts it best: “I’m going to show you how to set a clear vision for your future so you can start winning in your life, with your money, and in your relationships.”

From debt to life transitions, it can be tough to find a way forward. True success starts with an experienced voice you can trust. Ready to plan for a stronger future? Follow The Table with Anthony ONeal wherever you get your podcasts.

Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.

Here's what else is going on:

  • A toast: AIR Media and SoundPath have announced the first class of Edit Mode fellows. The training and mentorship program will welcome ten participants from across the audio world. The group brings diverse experiences, from independent work to programs like TED Radio Hour.
  • Security theater: A sub-domain for your RSS feed is a bad idea, writes Podnews editor James Cridland in his personal blog. He explains that when they’re used, “podcast listening isn’t private — from your co-workers, your employer, your school, your ISP or even your government.”
  • Color coded: “An audio spectrogram is jam-packed with information that you can never get by just looking at a waveform,” says sound designer Sarah Buchynski. For The Podcast Host, she explains how podcasters read spectrograms and decode basic ‘shapes’ for editing and mixing.
  • Lean back: Spotify has snagged another of the highest-earning podcasts with an exclusivity deal. On July 1, Dax Shepard’s Armchair Expert will move its back catalog, hosting, and ad sales behind that big green wall. In 2019, the show had an estimated 20 million monthly listeners.

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