Monday, August 5, 2019


PodMov Daily: Monday, August 5

Episode 15: Your Monday Morning Mix

Where Are They Now? Past PM Speakers: Part I

Where Are They Now? Past PM Speakers: Part II

This Monday we’re featuring the second installment of Jared Easley’s series on past Podcast Movement speakers. If you missed Friday’s highlights, check out the full article or the newsletter, available in the archive.

Today’s shoutouts include Helen Zaltzman of The Allusionist as well as some wrestling references. (PM and wrestling go waaay back.) Enjoy this rare retrospective in anticipation of the event, or take a peek just for fun.

New Apple Podcast Categories Are Live

After a long week and a half without categories in the iOS Podcasts app, the revisions are now live. Meant to improve browsing and aid discovery, the classification system offers subcategories: Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Mathematics can be found under Science. Here’s a partial snapshot of Tim Hardwick‘s observations:

Listeners can now scroll right along a horizontal strip of podcast categories, which appear in the Browse tab under a section labeled “Browse by Category.” The classifications include Arts, Business, Comedy, Education, Fiction, Government, Health & Fitness, History, Kids & Family, Leisure, Music, News, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Society & Culture, Sports, Technology, True Crime, and TV & Film.

Listener-Focused Journalism on The NewsWorthy

Brief news podcasts are more popular than ever thanks to shows like The New York Times‘ The Daily and ABC’s Start HereNicola Korzenko at Podfund sat down with Erica Mandy, host of The NewsWorthy. Mandy is an award-winning broadcast journalist that presents the day’s news in a “convenient, unbiased, and less depressing way.”

In her own words, The NewsWorthy is “fast, fair and fun.” Describing her audience-focused approach, she makes sure to get everyone up to speed: “I never make assumptions that listeners understand industry or government lingo or already know about past news stories.”

When it comes to word choice and vocal tone, Mandy prefers to “leave the Ron Burgundy voice behind,” communicating with a familiar, conversational inflection. The interview includes excellent advice for podcasters at any stage.

Podbean Private Podcasting: Smarter Communication

Up to speed, on the same page, in sync: You want effective communication for your organization, but we all absorb information a little differently. Brilliantly flexible and secure, Podbean Private Podcasting is a turnkey solution for everyone. Easily launch internal podcasts with an integrated, user-friendly interface and mobile apps. Security is locked down: Your private podcast is encrypted, and you have total control over access. Need to share department-specific material? Divide users into channels to keep your information organized.

Large and multinational organizations have complex communication needs, and Podbean Enterprise Podcast Solution takes care of them all. Dedicated tech support and flat-rate hosting are just the beginning. Ultra-reliable CDN service means fast downloads across the globe. Time is money, and you save both when your members have a direct line to the material they need.

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Here's what else is going on:

  • Castbox launches live streaming: Castbox has launched Livecast, the first live audio streaming feature inside a dedicated podcasting app. The free service lets podcasters “go live to their audiences with the tap of a button.” The interactive element can be public or private with the capacity for 8 callers at once.
  • Reframing the hype: The Bello Collective observes that inflated expectations around podcasting have led to a “trough of disillusionment” that produces “lucid conversations about what it takes to make a really good podcasts at scale and, more importantly, what is needed to sustain them.”
  • Ferrite for audio editing: Ryan Christoffel, co-host of the iPad-focused podcast Adapt, shares a workflow for editing audio with Ferrite Recording Studio. The detailed outline describes each step and includes tips on finding “the right preparation and setup,” like customizing keyboard shortcuts.

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