Monday, September 23, 2019


PodMov Daily: Monday, September 23

Episode 49: Your Monday Mix

Powerful, Accessible, Relevant: Environmental Academics in Podcasting

Podcasting has become an influential tool to expand public awareness. Its social justice efficacy is the topic of Gretchen Miller’s PhD studies at the School of Humanities & Languages, University of New South Wales. The Rescue Project, Miller’s podcast, features “stories and voices of Australians committed to environmental rescue.” The show is an experiment in itself: Miller is researching “the power of podcast to help environmental movements communicate their message.”

Another UNSW researcher using podcasts in their work is Dr. Siobhan O’Sullivan, a social policy and animal studies scholar. O’Sullivan has “received a grant from the US-based Culture & Animals Foundation to establish the world’s first pro-animal podcasting network,” iROAR. “Helping to establish a progressive, pro-animal podcasting network just made great sense to me,” she says. “We know that people learn about podcasts via other podcasts.”

Inspired, Entertained, Converted: Notes from the London Podcast Festival

At the beginning of The London Podcast Festival, CNET’s Sarah McDermott wasn’t into the “cult sensation” spoof podcast Beef and Dairy Network. The show’s infectious live performance and atmosphere won McDermott over, fueled by joyful fans. From Adam Buxton’s interview with George the Poet to onstage sitcom from Wooden Overcoats, the offerings at Kings Place intrigued and delighted.

“It’s hard to spend a few days surrounded by podcasters and fans without feeling the weight of all that work,” McDermott writes. “But it’s also inspirational.” The Maker Weekend featured panels and workshops like Introduction to Podcasting, where aspiring creators learned how it’s “more of a craft than an academic discipline.” As hard work leads to the stage, the festival’s future is looking bright.

Advertising Tips and Industry History: A Lifestyle?

A recent Yahoo! Lifestyle article insists that podcast advertising is a must for “advertisers looking to reach a premium, engaged audience.” It concludes with the suggestion that most brands are either endorsed by a podcast host or “sitting on the sidelines.”

The audience of this piece is significant — the platform isn’t a hub for tech or business news. In addition to podcast advertising, the article’s scope includes a brief history of the medium, listener demographic statistics, and quotes from iHeart executives. Those “who may have never even heard a podcast before” aren’t left out of the loop.

The message appeals to this group by describing podcasts as “a natural extension to broadcast radio.” It’s a detailed portrait of an industry that may be a tall order for the uninitiated to absorb, but podcasting comes for us all eventually.

Wooden Believe It: A Fourth Season and More Press Victories

Happy Monday, readers. The creators of Wooden Overcoats were overjoyed about the show’s mention in today’s featured article from CNET. We’re glad to spread the coverage and the news about this show — the “delightfully dark and ridiculous” sitcom about rival funeral directors just announced a 4th season.


Team PM

There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know where they’ll take you.

Here's what else is going on:

  • Stream team: Simplecast’s internal metrics suggest that most podcast listens are streams rather than downloads. Chief Technical Officer Stephen Hallgren writes that streaming analytics “convey an active listener,” providing increased “depth and quality of data.”
  • Backstage pass: The newly unveiled Broadway Podcast Network, home to 30 shows, has more in development. “Anyone and everyone who loves theater” can access 1,200 episodes of “musical parodies, interviews with industry professionals, acting tips and behind-the-scenes gossip.”
  • Quick ‘n easy: Blubrry has partnered with audio engineering company AudioTech to offer streamlined editing. Blubrry podcasters can now discuss their editing needs with AudioTech and have their files polished at a discount. Services include the addition of intros and outros.
  • Staycation: One of Salt Lake City’s most successful local podcasts began with the idea of chatting with neighbors. On I Am Salt Lake, hosts and married couple Chris and Krissie Holifield interview small business owners, actors, and politicians. They also run a podcasting startup business.

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