Thursday, July 25, 2019


PodMov Daily: Thursday, July 25

Episode 8: Your Zesty Thursday Briefing

Patrice Washington Announced as PM19 Keynote Speaker

Yesterday’s Podcast Movement weekly newsletter made a huge announcement that we’ll recap here. Patrice Washington, known as America’s Money Maven, will be a keynote speaker at this year’s event! She joined us as a breakout speaker in Philadelphia last year and will soon grace the main stage in Orlando.

Financial expert, bestselling author, and motivational mentor are just a few of Patrice’s hats. She hosts the acclaimed The Redefining Wealth Podcast, which explores her mantra, “chase purpose, not money.” Based on the philosophy that wealth is independent of money and material possessions, the show serves actionable, real-world guidance. “It is a huge honor for [us] to welcome Patrice to the main stage,” writes Jared Easley, PM’s Head of Community. “She embodies the overall spirit of podcasting through her diligence, resilience, hard work, and treating others well.”

We’re looking forward to hearing her speak next month, but if you’re unable to join us, you can still soak up the wealth wisdom. Patrice’s keynote session, plus over 100 more recordings from the event, will be available via Virtual Ticket. You’ll have unlimited, lifetime access to all videos across all devices.

Follow the Money: Paid Influencers and Podcasting

Data from a recent eMarketer study examines how much social media influencers are being paid to promote brands. Spoiler alert: it’s a lot. Compensation level varies by media platform and number of followers, but the most cash is spent on YouTube videos by far. The data reveals that ‘”Power” influencers (with followings between 30,000 and 500,000) make $782 per video, on average.”

Marketers have struggled recently with the cost of hiring these envy-inducing figures. Securing influencer content on Instagram and Facebook is costly and competitive, making podcasts the next branding opportunity. “Brands are eyeing podcasts as the next frontier of influencer marketing,” says Lauren Fisher, principal analyst at eMarketer. “They’re seeing great performance and value from host-read ads, which allows brands to tap into the trust and influence that many of these podcast hosts have with their listeners.”

The storytelling and conversational nature of podcasting certainly makes sense for lifestyle-focused influencers. Time will tell, though, how this aesthetically optimized form of branding adapts to an aural medium. It won’t be long.

Dear Podcasters: Learning From 7 Mistakes

Melanie Curtin has learned a few things in the last year and a half: Her first podcast launched on Valentine’s Day, 2018. She’s kept track of the ups and downs, sharing them in a new piece about what not to do. Developing her show, now titled Dear Men: How to Rock Sex, Dating and Relationships With Womenwas a challenge. “Keeping it up requires grit,” she writes. “I struggled. I celebrated. I attracted clients. I considered quitting at times. I got fan mail. I stuck with it.” She admits the details with refreshing honesty, expanding on mistakes and frustrations like spending too much money and neglecting the power of a subtitle. (The podcast’s original title was simply Dear Men.)

Our favorite of the seven tips describes the challenge of “mission creep” without vague jargon. Men that seek to better their relationships with women are her audience. While she might like to address women sometimes, she resists. “Mission creep is a thing in podcasting just as it is in startup world. You need a strong sense of who your podcast is for, and you need to stick to serving those people […] Know who you’re helping and stick to it.” You know what they say about learning the hard way or the easy way? If you prefer the latter, take a scroll through Melanie’s memory lane.

Dear Podcasters: Learning From 7 Mistakes

Melanie Curtin has learned a few things in the last year and a half: Her first podcast launched on Valentine’s Day, 2018. She’s kept track of the ups and downs, sharing them in a new piece about what not to do. Developing her show, now titled Dear Men: How to Rock Sex, Dating and Relationships With Womenwas a challenge. “Keeping it up requires grit,” she writes. “I struggled. I celebrated. I attracted clients. I considered quitting at times. I got fan mail. I stuck with it.” She admits the details with refreshing honesty, expanding on mistakes and frustrations like spending too much money and neglecting the power of a subtitle. (The podcast’s original title was simply Dear Men.)

Our favorite of the seven tips describes the challenge of “mission creep” without vague jargon. Men that seek to better their relationships with women are her audience. While she might like to address women sometimes, she resists. “Mission creep is a thing in podcasting just as it is in startup world. You need a strong sense of who your podcast is for, and you need to stick to serving those people […] Know who you’re helping and stick to it.” You know what they say about learning the hard way or the easy way? If you prefer the latter, take a scroll through Melanie’s memory lane.

Sharing is worth your while, especially when it involves laptop stickers so hip you’ll rule the coffee shop.

Make Someone's Morning, Earn a Few Points

Do you read PodMov Daily each morning, relaxing in your sunroom with a majestic breakfast? We don’t either…it’s more like ‘reading while chugging coffee in between emails.’ Even if you don’t live like Cher from Clueless, you can still feel like a high roller. The PodMov Daily Ambassador Program is easy to join, fun to use, and we send you free gear you can’t get anywhere else.

If you’re subscribed to our newsletter, you’ll see a URL at the bottom. That right there is your unique referral link that earns you points when your friends use it to hop on our list. Refer one and you’ll be eligible. Three? You’re in!

We thank you, and your buddies will too.


Team PM

Often real life is boring and problematic. I love the edited version of it.

Here's what else is going on:

  • Far-reaching combination: Skyview Networks and Amplifi Media have announced a partnership to develop a “strategic resource” service for branded audio content. Functionality across platforms and devices will increase distribution of “listener-focused” branded podcasts, Amplifi’s specialty.
  • Audio drama/fiction festival near Boston: PodTales, to be held October 20 in Cambridge, MA, is “the only event in the United States dedicated to the burgeoning art forms of imaginative audio storytelling.” Celebrating the “creative renaissance” of this immersive genre, this event is free. And is going to be awesome.
  • New podcast support platform: Podfan, launched in beta, uses an RSS feed to establish free user pages. Built by the creator of, it’s a subscription and engagement hub with Patreon-esque support capability. Users can create a “member-only feed of special content.”
  • Sports podcast network formed: Blue Wire aims to build a collection of influential sports programs. The venture has 45 shows currently, and has secured significant funding under founder, CEO, and podcaster Kevin Jones. He plans to grow by fostering young talent in sports journalism.

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