Using the Wrong Words on a Podcast


PodMov Daily: Wednesday, June 8

Episode 661: Your Midweek Update

Using the Wrong Words on a Podcast

Words are a moving target, especially when we speak under pressure. “In an episode of a podcast I really respect, three of the experts quoted used words that I was familiar with: Debunk, gaslighting and cult,” Seth Godin writes in his blog. “In all three cases, the people speaking used them ‘wrong.’”

The acclaimed author, entrepreneur, and Akimbo host acknowledges that these are powerful, specific words. But. First, no one is immune to podcast-guest anxiety, and the urge to “sound smart and level up” tends to backfire. Second, the mistakes don’t matter as long as the speakers expressed their thoughts.

“We’re trying to say what we mean, and sometimes, it’s not what other people think we meant. The emotions behind the words are real, even if the words are a mismatch,” Godin says. Word definitions are important, but an occasional misstep – whether it’s your own or someone else’s – is no big deal.

Survival Tips for Podcasting’s Low Moments

While podcasting is personally rewarding, handling pain is part of the process. In a series For The Podcast Host, Kevin Anderson digs into the universal bummers. He insists that when facing personal rejectionbad reviews, or being ignored, podcasters give themselves credit for the bravery they've already shown.

Bad reviews for new shows are especially important to think through. Anderson simplifies the differences between low blows and good-faith critique. Take what you learn seriously, he says. “If you make it hard for people to enjoy your carefully crafted content, you’ll find it almost impossible to find loyal listeners.”

Unlike most articles on self-confidence, these mix affirmation with refreshing UK bluntness. (“If you’re annoyingly obnoxious or deadly dull, you’re going to do a wonderful job of driving people away.”) Each one links out to other helpful resources. Once you handle bad reviews, learn how to encourage the good ones.

Podpage: Launch a Beautiful Podcast Website in Minutes

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How much easier is Podpage than WordPress? Users have said it so many times it’s almost a feature. From universal integrations to audience engagement tools, this experience is seriously smooth. Get started for free, no credit card required.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.

Here's what else is going on:

  • Combo deal: No one source can reveal the true size of a podcast’s audience. Tom Webster of Sounds Profitable looks at three rankers to explain why this is and how to reach the best ballpark number. His advice to publishers: “Go with the most conservative audience estimate you have.”
  • Final fantasy: Starting with iOS 16, Apple Podcasts in CarPlay will be significantly more functional. Users will be able to find downloaded and saved episodes as well as the latest from shows in their library, according to Zac Hall of 9to5Mac. How they’ve managed without this capability is a mystery.
  • Move mountains: “How to Organize Large Audio Projects” from Radio Boot Camp is this Sunday, June 12. Award-winning producer Andrew Parsons (Prologue Projects) will lead a three-hour workshop on organizing, gathering, and mapping the timeline of a longform podcast series. $100 registration.
  • Guard rail: With a new podcast campaign, Wavemaker is claiming a technical first for spatial audio. Made for Transport for London, the “immersive 3D audio story” tackles sexual harassment on the Tube. Iconic sounds like the ‘mind the gap’ warning were specially recorded to set the scene.

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